Over the summer I worked on illustrating Adventures at Camp Lots-o-fun by Marilyn Helmer, which came out this fall. I really enjoyed illustrating this fun story, I used ink and brush, and watercolor for the cover. For more information click here!
Food fight has been nominated for the 2011 Joe Shuster Award in Best Comic for Kids category. The Joe Shuster Awards are Canada’s first national award recognizing outstanding achievement in the creation of comic books. They are named after pioneering Toronto-born artist Joe Shuster who, along with writer Jerry Siegel, created the iconic super-powered hero, Superman.
Check out this Illustration I did for the new GVPL (Greater Victoria Public Library) children’s library card.
I will be there on Saturday with an easel doing drawing Demonstrations as part of the card’s official launch, so come down and check it out. I will also bringing of all the released Graphic Guide Adventures, which will be available for purchase.

mike deas illustration gvpl
Tomorrow I will be at Tall Tales Books launching Liam and I’s new book: Food Fight! Local authors Robin Stevenson and Sylvia Olsen will also be there launching their new books.
Venue: Tall Tales Books, 795 Fort Street, Victoria, BC
Date and time: Saturday, May 15, 3:00PM
Exciting folks you’ll get to meet: Robin Stevenson, Sylvia Olsen, Mike Deas
Thanks to Orca Book Publishers this weekend I will be attending the Toronto Comic Arts Festival signing copies of the newest Graphic Guide Adventure; Food Fight. This is a really exciting opportunity as I will be in the company of some very talented people, as well as meeting Liam, the author, for the very first time in person!
The Toronto Comic Arts Festival is a unique comics event, patterned after comics festivals like Angouleme, Harlem, and the Small Press Expo. It is two full days of comics-related events, including readings, presentations, panel discussions, gallery shows, and a large exhibition area featuring publishers and comic authors and artists. We like to describe it as ‘unconventional’.
Happy Earth Day! Written by Janet Wieczorek and illustrated by me for the March issue of Canadian Reader published by Les Plan. Check out their website at www.lesplan.com!
Above is an illustration I have recently completed for the Victoria READ Society’s Noisy Kids Reading Club. Check out their website for more information at www.readsociety.bc.ca.
www.food-fight.net has launched! Check out the brand new website dedicated to the new Graphic Guide Adventure: Food Fight. The website features games, resources, free wallpapers and avatars and more. Keep posted for more info on Food Fight which will hit the shelf’s in a matter of weeks.